MPC Releases Healthcare Reform Policy Paper

It is essential that any substantial healthcare reform measures repeal the Affordable Care Act and tackle the barriers to affordable, consumer-driven healthcare that remain. By unleashing individual choice, opportunity, and market incentives, a truly vibrant health insurance market will start to replace a stagnant system utterly lacking in innovation and bound up in red tape. Meaningful access to quality care, as well as real choice and competition, will trump top-down controls that stifle innovation, increase costs, and limit market options.

When it comes to just about every facet of our daily lives, the Millennial Generation thrives on seemingly-unlimited choices and opportunities for customization. Why should we be so limited in our mindset as to deny the same level of choice and customization when it comes to treating and caring for our own bodies? We argue it shouldn’t be that way.

It’s time to revitalize healthcare in America - and the Millennial Policy Center is proud to release our first policy paper covering this very topic! We call it Revitalizing Healthcare in America. Take a read or download.

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